I love this quote. It's from a great book called The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger. I have always been intrigued by time travel, constantly thinking where I would go and who would I see. Would changing things about myself lead me to a different life? Would I still meet my husband? When we talk about finding each other there were many times we could have but didn't. Would time traveling change that? If you could open a portal to go back or forward in time, do you think you would remember everything from that point in time? So many things to think and pnder when it comes to time travel.
So it's been about 8 months since I last blogged. I really need to do this more...I have all but abandoned my journal and miss it. Must be why when it's time for bed and I am lying there in the dark mymind is running like crazy. I always have so many thoughts and need to get them out. Seeing them on a written or typed page gives some sort of satisfaction, doesnt it?